Health & Medical Practice Owners Only

Agencies Lie... But Numbers Don't

Claim Your Preeminent practice audit™ and We'll show you how to fix your Patient Acquisition Struggles for Good, So you can finally have a full Schedule of Cash-Pay Patients.

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On Your Call we'll Show You:

Agencies Lie... But Numbers Don't

here's Why This is Different than Anything Else Out There.

From The Desk Of Brad Cote
Founder Preeminent Practice
September 12th

Dear Practice Owner,

If you’re running ads for your health or medical practice.

You’re probably experiencing one or more of these problems…

  • Low-quality leads who need to be chased down.
  • Financially unqualified prospects who don’t convert to plans of care
  • With expensive costs per lead and low return on investment
  • Bouncing from marketing agency to agency, hoping that this time, it’ll work.
  • And a schedule still not filled with your staff twiddling their thumbs waiting for work.

Here's the good and bad news.

The bad news is that if you skip reading this breakdown, you’ll likely continue to experience the same issues you are now.

The good news is that I will not only SHOW but PROVE how to overcome these issues for good… so that you can finally focus on growing your practice instead of babysitting it (and the agencies) hoping it’ll change.

Because I’m sure, like me, you’re sick of the promises.

“I’ll help you hit 1,000 new patients in the next 90 days. And if it doesn't work, we'll work for free until it does or give you all your money back.”

Let’s think about what they are saying so you can see through the lies.

Don't Fall For the Scam...

"If it doesn't work, we will refund you..."

"We will work for free until it does..."

We’ve all heard the promises.

But who covers the lost time and wasted ad spend?

If they couldn’t deliver what you promised, why would I want them to continue wasting my time and money hoping it works???

Why wouldn’t they just get results right away instead?

The answer is they know they can’t get results long-term, and that’s the reason why they make it so hard for you to get a refund and hide behind their contracts.

And after ALL of this…

You’re left with nothing but frustration, headache, and a schedule that’s still not full.

Here’s why.

The real problem

is that the market has shifted

Your community is saturated with the same ads, offers, discounts, images, copy, and gimmicks everyone else is using.

This means you get lost and DEVALUED by prospective patients.

And you don’t stand out. 

As a result, you waste tons of money on campaigns that don’t work and attract the wrong type of people.

So, instead of me telling you:

  • How our average client adds 56k in revenue per month.
  • How we work with over 580 health and medical practices.
  • Or how, as a dual licensed practitioner, I’ve started and grown 5 practices to over $1.7m in revenue per year.

Here’s what we’re going to do.

We Will SHOW And PROVE That We Can Help You Before You Ever Consider Working With Us.

Here’s how it works

I call it the Preeminent Practice Audit™, and we do 3 things:

  1. We compare your current marketing campaigns and overall strategy to top performers.
  2. We give you suggestions on how to optimize it.
  3. We show you how to fix it for good.

And just to be clear, you can’t buy anything on this call, so leave your card at home.

We're doing this because it's Our name on the line.

At Preeminent Practice, we’ve built the #1 cash pay solution for practices. We’re not willing to risk our reputation for someone we can’t help.

Because nothing is more frustrating than working with people who don’t deliver.

Instead, I want it to be a good fit for everyone and a mutual relationship where we all win long-term.

Now, if you’re wondering “what’s the catch”. 

Here it is.

#1 – We Don’t Have Much Time To Do These Audits.

I can only do 8 per week, and I know once I open availability, the spots will fill quickly, and we’ll have to create a waiting list.

So don’t wait to book while there’s still availability.

#2 – You Must Have Run Ads In The Last 90 Days And Spend More Than $1,000 Monthly On Ads.

Because we can only help people who are actually running ads.

That’s it.

So, fill out the form and answer a few questions about your practice.

Then, go to the next page and book a call.

And I’ll see you there.


Brad Cote
Founder – Preeminent Practice

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